The Nose-Pickin', Bearded White Dude...
Knowing me as well as some of you do, I'm sure most of you guys are preparing yourselves to hear about a confrontation or something between this dude and I. However that couldn't be further from the truth. Actually our interaction was very brief but it was one of those moments that stick with you for a lifetime. Sometimes I've actually wondered if maybe he was angel sent here to open my eyes and show me something. Initially I didn't put much thought into out brief meeting, but for some reason I was just never able to let it go as I have with the thousands of other odd, yet seemingly unimportant occurrences and events I've experienced. Every so often I would think back to our meeting and be able to recall it with startling clarity and detail. Eventually I took this to mean that our meeting had to be more than just happenstance. There had to be an important reason as to why he has continuously manifested himself in my thoughts...even though it has been years since...