
Showing posts from January, 2019

Men Are Men. But Then Sometimes We Aren't...

Great relationships are like emotional and physical two-way streets. And though it's easy for most to admit this, many don't realize that they are often coasting in neutral. Or worse yet, driving down the wrong side of the street. Go and ask the average woman to describe what makes a man a man, and you're likely to get responses like "strong"... "protector"... "provider"... "hard-working"... "self-reliant"...etc. Ask a man and you're likely to hear pretty much the same thing. Now don't get me wrong, they are all very apt descriptors! But too often it's forgotten that there are many times when we are also vulnerable, insecure, scared, or emotional. Or to put it more succinctly, it's forgotten that we're human. With a full range of emotions and needs. In all honesty, guys want and need love just as much as women. We want and need to feel wanted, loved and appreciated just as much as women. We want to be...