Stop Trying To "Think Like A Man"...And Simply THINK!

I don't even know where to start with this one but let me get my disclaimer out of the way: I haven't read Steve Harvey's book, nor do I plan to. I have, however, seen the movie. So for the sake of argument I'm going to assume that the movie says the same thing that the book does. So as I make reference to the book, understand that I'm speaking from the perspective of what the movie showed me.

Now with THAT being said, let me also say this: Anyone who bought that book for anything other than recreational reading, needs to go out and start their car, put their mouth around its tailpipe, proceed to inhale deeply and begin toward the light...Go on. It'll be ok. I promise...

Now contrary to all the talking heads and book publishing salespeople, "Think Like A Man..." is NOT a peek into the psyche of today's man. Rather it is the opinion of one man (who couldn't even be successful in his own relationship, I might add) with an audience and a platform who decided to make some money off of the desperation of thousands of women by promising to reveal to them how to "Think Like A Man...But Act Like A Woman", and thereby find (and more importantly) keep Mr. Right.

So being the opinionated and deep-thinking guy that I am, I've decided that I'm going to "give you the real". Though even as I sit here writing this, I can already hear some of my boys giving me a hard time and calling me names like "traitor" and labeling me "a hater". But I'm not worried about that in the least. Would you like to know why? Well, it's simple: 1) I do and say what I want regardless of the opinion of others and 2) I know my friends aren't really worried about what I tell you guys because they know like I know, that a woman will almost always listen to what her heart tells her, even when it is contrary to what everyone and everything else is telling her.

Now, let's get down to business, shall we...

Here's the basic truth of the matter, men are simple beings. We're not difficult to figure out at all. We are quite child-like in a lot of our ways, if you really stop and think about it. From our infatuation with video games right on down to some of our messy habits. But the problem is that oftentimes you give us more credit than we deserve, which only serves to complicate things. I mean, you spend so much time trying to outsmart us that you usually only end up outsmarting yourselves. You need to spend less time trying to "Think Like A Man..." and more time "Simply Thinking!" A lot of the things you go through could be avoided by that one simple act. And you shouldn't need some silly book with cute little euphemisms or some well-spoken, incredibly charming blog writer to tell you that. :-D

 Without going through and dissecting each tenet in Mr. Harvey's book, I'm just going to touch on a couple of them...

The 90-Day Rule and Why It Doesn't Work
The problem with this ridiculous rule is that it just doesn't work. If the idea is to make a guy wait to see if he's really into you, then good luck with that. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that a guy won't wait. I'm saying that while he's waiting, he'll probably be sexing Susie Q, LisaRaye and any other chick on his "Hit It Whenever I Want/Always Available For Me" list. And trust me, every guy has a list like this. Except for me, of course. I'm too innocent and pure of heart for such chicanery and foolishness...And if you believe that, I have a fool-proof investment opportunity that my personal friend B. Madoff introduced me to that I would like to share with you...
The reality is most dudes who deal with women of quality, not quantity (There is a difference!), are used to playing the waiting game. So unless you're holding out 'til marriage, this rule is almost useless. Not completely useless, but almost.
Listen, I'm certainly not telling you that you should jump into bed and test drive every guy you meet that has potential. What I am saying is that the fact that a dude still shows interest after waiting 90 days, isn't necessarily in and of itself a reason to tag him as a "keeper". So just take your time and do what feels right for you. Use your head, not just your heart.

"Sport Fishing" Is a Joke
I'm going to keep this short and sweet: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS DRESSING TOO SEXY FOR A DATE! "Sexy" and "Slutty" are two different things. As long as what you wear is appropriate for where you're going and what you'll be doing, don't worry about looking too good. That is the most ridiculous sh*t I've ever heard of!
A guy is not going to consider "throwing a woman back" because she looks too good on his arm. Maybe a guy Steve's age might be embarrassed by his woman looking too appealing and grabbing too much attention, but I can say for a certainty that most guys my age don't think that way at all.
Just think about it. Do you think that for one minute Jay-Z thought about getting rid of Beyonce because she dressed too sexy??

"I'm sorry, Bey, but I'm gonna have to let you go. You just dress too damn sexy. But hey, ummmm, but before you leave, can you give me my chain back? Thanks."

Call me crazy, but I just don't see that happening. So go 'head and dress as sexy as you want to. Just keep it classy. At least until you're behind closed doors. ;-)

So there it is, folks. The truth as I know it. Pure, uncut and censor-free. So are you going to listen to some old, egotistical mouthpiece who's only goal is to sell a few books and hear his own voice? Or are you going to listen to the adorable, kind and caring guy who just wants you to be happy? I think it's an easy answer, really. Don't listen to either of them. Listen to what your heart AND your head tells you. Because really, you know all this sh*t already. You just have to learn how to listen to and trust yourself. That's all you can really do.



  1. I got the book when it first came out, after 2 chapters in i stop reading it & gave the book away. The information in the book was either common sense or information that is not relevant 2 all situations. Steve Harvey saw an opportunity 2 make money & he did. Women are the biggest consumers & the easiest 2 fall for the B.S. Cause we are emtional beings. His book will not help u with ur current realationship or help yoy get a "good man". The movie 2 me was joke all it did was expose the games that some men & women play while dating. Women need 2 stop thinking with emotions (self included) & just learn your man & react after you have thought things through and respond based on what you know about your man. All men r not the same although they have some things in common, what works with one man may not work with another. So i agree the goal of a woman should not be 2 think like a man but simply think.


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