
Showing posts from 2012

The Nose-Pickin', Bearded White Dude...

Knowing me as well as some of you do, I'm sure most of you guys are preparing yourselves to hear about a confrontation or something between this dude and I. However that couldn't be further from the truth. Actually our interaction was very brief but it was one of those moments that stick with you for a lifetime. Sometimes I've actually wondered if maybe he was angel sent here to open my eyes and show me something. Initially I didn't put much thought into out brief meeting, but for some reason I was just never able to let it go as I have with the thousands of other odd, yet seemingly unimportant occurrences and events I've experienced. Every so often I would think back to our meeting and be able to recall it with startling clarity and detail. Eventually I took this to mean that our meeting had to be more than just happenstance. There had to be an important reason as to why he has continuously manifested himself in my thoughts...even though it has been years since...

Stop Trying To "Think Like A Man"...And Simply THINK!

I don't even know where to start with this one but let me get my disclaimer out of the way: I haven't read Steve Harvey's book, nor do I plan to. I have, however, seen the movie. So for the sake of argument I'm going to assume that the movie says the same thing that the book does. So as I make reference to the book, understand that I'm speaking from the perspective of what the movie showed me. Now with THAT being said, let me also say this: Anyone who bought that book for anything other than recreational reading, needs to go out and start their car, put their mouth around its tailpipe, proceed to inhale deeply and begin toward the light...Go on. It'll be ok. I promise...

Age Ain't Nothin' But A Number...

I know there are going to be plenty of you guys ("guys" meaning women, for the most that are going to strongly disagree with what I'm about to say, which is fine. What's funny though is that a lot of you who are going to disagree have been the most egregious examples as to why I believe AGE AIN'T NOTHIN' BUT A NUMBER when it comes to matters of the heart. What I mean by that is it doesn't matter whether we're dealing with a younger woman or an older woman, we often have to go through a good deal of the same sh*t! Complaints about not communicating enough or not being affectionate enough? Check. Insecure and whiny? Check. Saying one thing but meaning another? Creating problems when there are none? Wanting and coercing their man to change? Check. Check. And check!

Dumber By The Day...

i wanna speek 2 u guyz about a epidimik dat iz swepin duh nayshun: duh abilitee to rite an/or tipe a compleet n grummaticly koreck sentens... Ok, I'm done writing in gibberish. But I just wanted to give you guys a visual of the type of nonsense that drives me crazy and contributes to the dumming  dumbing down of today's youth. However first let me say this: If you were able to read through that first sentence without so much as a pause, I don't know whether to consider you bilingually-gifted, an idiot savant or simply a prime example for today's blog. (Though to be honest, I'd definitely be leaning towards the ladder  latter...I'm jus' sayin'...).

A Brief Explanation...

The three posts before this one are posts that I copied and pasted from my old blog. The reason I did this is because it had been so long since I had visited that blog that I forgot all of my passwords and account info. Hence, it was just easier to create another. Lesson learned. Trust me. :-) So walk along with me on this journey of open and honest dialogue... ...JUST MY OBSERVATIONS

What A Girl Really Wants...

I often hear women complaining about the lack of good men. But honestly, is that really the case? I think it's debatable. I personally know of a lot of good guys that are interested in being in loving and serious relationships. The problem is the women that they come across  say   they want one thing but their   actions   speak differently.   Women are quick to say how they want a nice guy with a cool job, goals, can hold an intelligent conversation and knows how to "keep it real". When asked about looks, these same women usually respond "looks aren't really all that important to me." However, when they come across this type of guy, they don't know how to appreciate a good thing. They're often more concerned with what their friends and their friends' boyfriends are doing


Relationships can often be complicated by the smallest and simplest of things. And sometimes those things that seem so small to one may seem NOT so small to the other. It's like, one moment things can be going along great and then before you know it, there are cold shoulders and strained silences. Next thing you know, one or both of you are seeking comfort outside of your relationship. By now, I'm sure you're probably wondering what the hell I'm babbling about and what do "Boundaries" have to do with any of it? See, here's the thing... When in a relationship, I believe that some ex's cannot and should not be considered as friends. Period. And not seeing eye to eye on something like that can lead to bigger problems down the road. It's not that all ex's should be excluded but the ones who can't seem to respect the boundaries of your relationship should be gotten rid of, so to speak.

Welcome, Everybody!

Hi, everyone! I guess this is my first official post as a blogger. Some of you might be asking "what makes your blog so special?" Or "why should I bother reading what you have to say?" Well, I'll try and state my case... This blog will touch on many everyday situations and odd occurences. My hope is to offer my readers a unique perspective on such situations. "And what makes my perspective so unique", you ask? I think I'd probably have to say it's my vast and varied experiences with different cultures, career choices, social settings...and relationships with many women. Yes. Lots and lots of women.